Monday, October 22, 2012


As a child I alway felt different. The other kids were always better. I was never the best at anything. The teachers always got frustrated at me. I couldn't read and spell. I would go to school just in hope that maybe today will be the day. The day I can do well. Be the best. That day didn't come until middle school. I worked my butt off everyday at school. Trying to be like everyone else. You finally get there. Your with the rest of the class, but you sit there and you know your not like them. There is something weird about you. The teachers make it hard to get help. You have to jump through hoop and hoop til you can finally make it.  But guess what? You can't once you get to that place where you think it going to be okay. You can finally learn to do with you love. Guess what? You can't get a 95%. That whats keeping you from your dreams. 5% is the block in the road. The block that isn't going to move because they wont help you. It's like sitting at a table and looking at a cupcake you want. The only way to get the cupcake was to get a 95% on your test. You got a 89% and you can't try again. You've had all your tries. You are done. So there you are looking and dreaming about something your never going to able to get. My whole life I had people tell me I can't and can. Teachers tell you can. But sometimes they don't think you can do it. So they tell you no.

What happens when anything in your life point to know. But you want it SO bad?
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Secrets of the night

Late night thinking...can be weird. Anyways, I was thinking about weird facts about me that people might not know. 

-When I wear high heels I still feel like a litte kid with their moms shoes on. 
- Tutus make me happy. 
- I was NOT a girly girl growing up. (But I wasn't a huge tom boy) 
- I love Dads cookies. 
- I made a fandom video about Twilight and it has more than 2000000 views. 
- I have made of 50 fandom videos. (I made them over a period of 2 years)
- I loved playing Habbo when I was 12 to 15
- I was bullied growing up, but I'm glad it happened. 
- Moving away was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. 
- I'm finally starting to leave high school in high school. 
- I LOVE spending time by myself. 
- I love hanging out with my friends (I feel like people know this about me)
- I don't know what I would do without fanfictions. 

Okay, Dianne is done with giving too much away. (It's not like anyone reads this)
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