Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dear 15 year old me

Hi Dianne from the past.
I miss you.
 I miss how quite we were.
I miss how polite you were.
I even miss how you swore like a saloir.

Moving to Utah was good for you.
I know you hate your parents right now, but they truly do love you. They want whats best.
There are a ton of pros to moving to Utah.
You get a laptop and a pool. AND you even get that puppy you always wanted. Never give up on the puppy.
Dad gets sick, but it will be alright. He was in great hands and everything is better now.
Mom gave up so much to move here. You need to remember that and be nice. You and her will be fine in this new place.
Yes, you live among the Mormons now. But they are nice and they do indeed have internet here.
You make friends. You have some the same as the first year of school. Some outgrew you, and you outgrew some. It's for the better now. Don't sweat anything with your friends. You will always have friends and you are NOT a freak.
You don't get bullied anymore. Moving taught you that you don't have to put up with it. There are always more people in the world. With open hearts and words. I know you don't believe this, but you look back at 5th to 8th grade now and LAUGH. All those words we used to tell ourself is true. You just have to live and get through. Don't look back at the people who didn't treat you right. They didn't see the gold underneath the dirt. And you diserve everything that is going to come your way.
For once in your life, you are starting to like your body, no matter what other people say. This you most likely don't believe. But its true. You love yourself AND you love make up and dressing up now. YOU CHOOSE TO WEAR DRESSES. You care what you look like and I think it's made us a better person who cares about themselves more.
Moving away from your family has be so scary. But you've done it. Yes, it get lonely hearing about how your brother and sister go to family things without you. But you have your parents AND you get to still see everyone twice a year.
Daniel is happy with Ashley...which you most likely DIDN'T surprise you. They are there for you and love you. Even if you only talk to them 6 times a year...and vist them twice.
Dana is still her fathers daughter, you need to learn to be nicer. You get mom and dad all the time, she doesn't and still needs them. Don't over think the things she says to you. She cares.
Jame and Abby grew up! And they got a little brother! You love them all and it scares you how fast they grow up! But you end up seeing them more than your friends your own age. Their mother is one of the best role models you could ever had.
Remember how I said you got that puppy? Well you did. He is now your mothers new baby. It's okay, because hes the little brother you always wanted but didn't at the same time. It's so nice to come home to him. He truely makes our home, home. I couldn't even think about how life would be without him. Side note, he eats your underwear and took over your spot on the couch.

Dianne, you need to remember to breath. Everything will be alright. What will come with come and tomorrow is a new day. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS. You are smart and you will get there one day. Even if you have to go through the window.

I know it's been a hard couple of year, growing up does that to you. But whats up around the corner will be nothing like you thought it would be. You are loved and never let anyone make you feel like you aren't.

I love you Dianne, everything that is about to start will be better. All because you moved to Utah and people start treating you like a person and not your weight.

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