Monday, March 25, 2013


Working on my resume always makes me grateful.
Grateful that I've has chances to learn.
To have gotten chances to try new things.
But most importantly it makes me remember all the people who have made me who I am today.
My mother and father.
Sister and brother.
Friends and family.
Teachers and leaders
AND all the people in between. (I'm talking about the crappy people)
It's good to take a moment and think about how lucky you truly are.
How no matter how far you have fallen, you have always gotten up.
I guess I'm also grateful for myself.
I'm grateful for Dianne from 7 years. She has to put up with lots of crap.
But she/we did it. WE got through it. We DIDN'T give up.
One day I'm going to be looking back on my life again, and I'm still going to thank myself.
I hope that day comes again soon.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Facelift for the iPhone

Spring cleaning brings...changing up the iPhone?
For me, yes! YES YES YES.
When I read this on Our Reflection's blog, I KNEW I had to do it for myself.
You can give your very own iphone a facelift!
Are you sick of those boring old apps? With the same boring old colors that everyone else has?

Try CocoPPa!



I think we both know which one is the cute one!
Oh and make sure you DON'T delete your original apps, (I put them in another folder!) 
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Saturday, March 2, 2013

February Favorites.

Okay, February sucked. My friend once told me about this "law" she believes in. It's that February sucks no matter who you are. Her reasons were that it's cold outside and you don't have the fun of holidays to wait for. Also, she went on a rant about how much v- day sucks for everyone (But I'll save you from hearing about that because I don't agree with her)

I do agree that February isn't and most likely will never be my favorite month, but I thought I would share some good that came from it.

Lets do this thang!

Make up:

Milani Ultrafine Liquid Eye Liner
I'm pretty much in love with this eyeliner. I have sweaty eye lids and THIS DOES NOT COME OFF. I can pretty much almost go for more than 20 hours and it will still be there!

The Rocket by Maybelline.
Okay, so this has mixed reviews so far. But I liked it! I had been using water proof for the past month so I was at the store and thought "Okay, Dianne. You really need to stop using water proof! It's bad for the eyes and IT'S SO HARD TO GET OFF" Anyways, the stuff stays on pretty good for me and it works!


I have been really liking bagels! Bagels this and that! LOVE THEM.

Also, I've been into baby carrots and cucumbers


Grey's Anatomy, hot doctors and drama...need I say more?


RED HANDS - Walk off the Earth

Love them! Found them from ShayCarl and just ugh! I just wanna be them. Plus they are from Canada! Doesn't hurt ;)

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