Friday, November 16, 2012

Tag: 100 Questions No One Ever Asks


1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

Doesn't matter to me. I try to close them.

2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
You know it.

3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

Out! It gets to hot if you tuck them in! 

4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Yes...we stole it from a park..but it was mostly broken.

5:Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yup! They help a lot! 

6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?

7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? would suck but bees. 

8:Do you have freckles?
You know it. 

9:Do you always smile for pictures?
Mostly...but I do some ugly ones too!

10:What is your biggest pet peeve?
I hate the feeling of hot towels...ugh. 

11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Sometimes for fun.

12:Have you ever peed in the woods?
Ugh, no. 

13:What about pooped in the woods?

14:Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
All the time! 
15:Do you chew your pens and pencils?
All the time...

16:How many people have you slept with this week?
0? Does Trent count? 

17:What size is your bed?
Queen at home, twin at school. 

18:What is your Song of the week?
22 by Taylor Swift 

19:Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Always! Pink always looks great!

20:Do you still watch cartoons?
Braceface and 7Teen for the win!

21:Whats your least favorite movie?

22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
I'd spend it. 

23:What do you drink with dinner?
Coke or water

24:What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Ranch or ketchup.

25:What is your favorite food?
Pizza or sushi! 

26:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
 Legally Blonde or Clueless.

27:Last person you kissed/kissed you?

28:Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Girl Gudies for the win! 

29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
No thanks.

30:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Monica and Adam! 

31:Can you change the oil on a car?

32:Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

33:Ever ran out of gas?

34:Favorite kind of sandwich?
Ham or chicken! 

35:Best thing to eat for breakfast?

36:What is your usual bedtime?
Haha, it can rage from 10pm to 5am. Mostly like 1AM

37:Are you lazy?
You know it. 

38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A puppy dog? A witch? 

39:What is your Chinese astrological sign?

40:How many languages can you speak?
English and a little ASL

41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Yup, 17 teen! 

42:Which are better legos or lincoln logs?

43:Are you stubborn?
I can be. 

44:Who is better...Leno or Letterman?

45:Ever watch soap operas?
Uh, duh! 

46:Are you afraid of heights?

47:Do you sing in the car?

48:Do you sing in the shower?
49:Do you dance in the car?


50:Ever used a gun?
Ew, no. 

51:Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
For a family picture like 5 years ago? 

52:Do you think musicals are cheesy?
They can be. 

53:Is Christmas stressful?
Somtimes! Mostly I love it!

54:Ever eat a pierogi?
Yeah! They rock! Love them!

55:Favorite type of fruit pie?

56:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?

57:Do you believe in ghosts?

58:Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

59:Take a vitamin daily?
Sometimes, I have the gummy ones!

60:Wear slippers?
No thank you mam

61:Wear a bath robe?

62:What do you wear to bed?
shorts and tank topppp

63:First concert?
Rolling Stones

64:Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Target, of course!

65:Nike or Adidas?

66:Cheetos Or Fritos?
Cheeto Puffs

67:Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

68:Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?

69:Ever take dance lessons?
Jazz and I SUCKED

70:Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Anything where he wears a suit everyday! 

71:Can you curl your tongue?
You know it

72:Ever won a spelling bee?
Haha. Yeah. NO. It's never gonna happen. 

73:Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

74:Own any record albums?

75:Own a record player?
My family does 

76:Regularly burn incense?

77:Ever been in love?
Nope, I'm 19!

78:Who would you like to see in concert?
Leighton Meester or Spice Girls or Hilary Duff

79:What was the last concert you saw?
Lady Gaga

80:Hot tea or cold tea?

81:Tea or coffee?

82:Sugar or snickerdoodles?

83:Can you swim well?

84:Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

85:Are you patient?

86:DJ or band, at a wedding?

87:Ever won a contest?

88:Ever have plastic surgery?

89:Which are better black or green olives?
Ugh. No

90:Can you knit or crochet?

91:Best room for a fireplace?
Living room

92:Do you want to get married?
One day, to the right guy!

93:If married, how long have you been married?

94:Who was your HS crush?
No one worth talking about. 

95:Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?

96:Do you have kids?
No, I'm not married

97:Do you want kids?

98:Whats your favorite color?
Light Blue 

99:Do you miss anyone right now? 
My family and anyone in Canada! 

BONUS JONAS: Something that happened in the Middle School: I got poked in the eye by a kid in my class. It hurt!
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What would you do?

If you could be the person everyone thought you were...would you be them?
I've been asking myself this lately because I always think my friends are better then they think. ( So crazy...right? Nope!)
I was thinking about it and I want to be that person. I guess I just don't understand why you wouldn't want to be that person? Just...I wish people could see how truly great they are and how they don't need that in their life. YOU DON'T NEED THAT dumb guy or friend. YOU DON'T.

I guess I'm just sick of people saying one thing...then do the other. But I don't really have anything to talk about because I do that ALL the time.

On another note...This has made me realize how much more important it is for me to wait and find the RIGHT person. Not Mr. RightNow or Mr. Last Week.
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Monday, October 22, 2012


As a child I alway felt different. The other kids were always better. I was never the best at anything. The teachers always got frustrated at me. I couldn't read and spell. I would go to school just in hope that maybe today will be the day. The day I can do well. Be the best. That day didn't come until middle school. I worked my butt off everyday at school. Trying to be like everyone else. You finally get there. Your with the rest of the class, but you sit there and you know your not like them. There is something weird about you. The teachers make it hard to get help. You have to jump through hoop and hoop til you can finally make it.  But guess what? You can't once you get to that place where you think it going to be okay. You can finally learn to do with you love. Guess what? You can't get a 95%. That whats keeping you from your dreams. 5% is the block in the road. The block that isn't going to move because they wont help you. It's like sitting at a table and looking at a cupcake you want. The only way to get the cupcake was to get a 95% on your test. You got a 89% and you can't try again. You've had all your tries. You are done. So there you are looking and dreaming about something your never going to able to get. My whole life I had people tell me I can't and can. Teachers tell you can. But sometimes they don't think you can do it. So they tell you no.

What happens when anything in your life point to know. But you want it SO bad?
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Secrets of the night

Late night thinking...can be weird. Anyways, I was thinking about weird facts about me that people might not know. 

-When I wear high heels I still feel like a litte kid with their moms shoes on. 
- Tutus make me happy. 
- I was NOT a girly girl growing up. (But I wasn't a huge tom boy) 
- I love Dads cookies. 
- I made a fandom video about Twilight and it has more than 2000000 views. 
- I have made of 50 fandom videos. (I made them over a period of 2 years)
- I loved playing Habbo when I was 12 to 15
- I was bullied growing up, but I'm glad it happened. 
- Moving away was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. 
- I'm finally starting to leave high school in high school. 
- I LOVE spending time by myself. 
- I love hanging out with my friends (I feel like people know this about me)
- I don't know what I would do without fanfictions. 

Okay, Dianne is done with giving too much away. (It's not like anyone reads this)
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Friday, September 28, 2012

Speed bump

Do you ever just feel like your stuck in life. Like you can't move forward, but there is no going back. Thats how I feel right now. I'm stuck in this place where I feel like I can't move on from. Am I ever going to be good enough? Am I ever going to be able to follow my dreams? My whole life I felt like problems have just followed me throughout school and I thought maybe when I finally got to college that would change. That I would be proving people wrong. But I can't. I didn't prove them wrong. Will it ever change? Will I ever be good enough? How will I ever become a person to look up to when I can't get over this bump in the road? I have to do this. I know I do. I just wish I was like everyone else. That I be normal. That wouldn't have to work so hard at living my life. I just want my dream so bad and I can't get it.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I miss sleep.
No more pop for me. This is why I can't sleep. zzzzz, pleaase let me sleep?
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Monday, July 30, 2012

Part of a bucket list

To Build Your Confidence…
1. Go to a movie alone.
2. Lift weights.3. Try surfing, water-skiing, or some activity you don’t already know how to do. Could be riding a bicycle.
4. Take out the trash, set a mousetrap, do your taxes, build a bookcase.
5. Live alone, or at least move apartments in NYC without the help of family.
6. Train for (and finish) a huge physical test like a half-marathon.
7. Go to a scary doctor’s appointment by yourself.
8. Quit your job.
9. Fly to a foreign country by yourself.
10. Learn to stand up for yourself.
To Be Able to Look Back and Say “I Had Fun”…
11. Witness something once-in-a-lifetime, like Jokulsarlon, a lake next to a melting glacier in Iceland.
12. Revel in being able to watch all the reality TV you want.
13. Get drunk during the day, just because you can. Attend Santacon, the convention for Santas, or something similar.
14. Go on a date with someone who actually makes you nervous.
15. Go out with an older man who takes you somewhere nice and makes you feel like a million bucks.
16. Go out with a guy who makes you laugh ‘til it hurts.
To Get Perspective…
17. Be a good wingwoman. It’s not always about you.
18. Chill with your widowed and single grandma. She knows “alone”!
19. Volunteer. [Comment: All of the time]
To Make You Appreciate the Next Guy…
20. Do at least one Valentine’s Day alone.
21. Attend a wedding alone. 22. Date the creeps. You’ll really value the nice guys afterward.
To Make You Feel Sexy and Attractive…
23. Buy yourself some flowers.
24. Invest in a LBD (little black dress) and some sexy stilettos.25. Sit at a bar by yourself and drink a martini.
26. Buy something frivolous and expensive that you LOVE wearing.
To Make the Most of Your Free Time…27. Finish all your schooling if you can.
28. Throw yourself into something time-consuming, like learning a foreign language.
To Make Yourself a Better Partner in the Future…
29. Make a list of all your faults.
30. Learn to cook well. [Comment: I'm an excellent cook]
31. Get some hobbies. [Film, art, soccer, travel, politics, etc.] [Comment: Blogging, Scrapbooking, Volunteering]
32. Let your married friends edit your online dating profile.
33. Get your finances in order. 
To Appreciate Being Single…
34. Babysit someone’s baby for an hour. [Comment: Not a fan of other peoples' children but if they need me to do it, I'll help]
35. Help a friend through her divorce or a bad break-up.36. Host a girls-only night. I think some coupled-up women forget how much we need each other.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Going to Canada is always very bitter sweet for me.
I love it there, I love seeing all my friends and family.
But, always when I go, I see the change.
The see what I missed. All the babies grown into children.
And the children into teens. And the teens into adults.
When I leave the place I love, I think time stops.
But it doesn't, it keeps going.
So, what do I do? Take the time to love everything around me.
It's almost been 5 years, a lot changes in 5 years. Do let time trick you!
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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happy birthday Shelby!!!

I am SO glad I met Shelby at USU this year! She has been a great friend to me!!! She's always there when I need to chat and we have THE BEST CHATS! Anways, I hope you have a great 19th Shelby! I know you made MINE great!!!

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Underly Spoiled

So, I deiced for my birthday I was going to keep blogging...even if I'm done with it for class! (Plus how could I leave my blogging buddy alone?)

This birthday I was so blessed for the friends in my life. They made make my life so fabulous! 
It started with my dear friend and ex-roommie Maddie, she came all the way to my house (which is 30 minutes away for her) after work! I hadn't seen her all summer and I miss(ed) her SO much! She even waited at my house till 12AM so she could say happy birthday to me in person!!!

The stories/ gossip was just what I needed in my life! She also got me a super cute gift! Some soap and earrings, they aren't just any old earring! They are USU earrings.

 ^ You better believe we will be rocking these at Utah State in the fall!

Then the next day, I went to the dentist...which isn't fun, but I lived.
Shelby and Jenny and I went out to a late lunch/super early dinner! Where I ate super yummy food!

AND Shelby told the staff that it was my birthday and they brought me out this weird fried ice cream thing! 

After that we went back to my house and Monica came over and brought me this surprise! 

                                        ^ Make a wish! Maybe I'll tell you when it comes true!!

Well and then we ate the cake! (The way you always dream about!)
Who needs plates?

Then it was opening the presents and playing Just Dance 3 (Thanks Ashely and brother <3)

Shelby gave me a "Sending you off into the world" care package 

^ Which came with the great Justin Bieber card to "never say never" to love! 

and Jenny got me the perfume I've wanted for a while (and made me get my birthday gift from Sephora!)

and I got myself a little bit of a present for being done with school 

Oh and Jessica, who was in Logan got me a nail polish I had been wanting!

By over all I am super lucky to have these people in my life. They are my rocks and I don't know what I would do without them!! Oh and I'm also super grateful for all the messages, texts and phone calls I got wishing me a happy birthday!! I love you everyone! 

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I am SOOOO happy right now! Like couldn't be anymore happy right now! I just got done with my Stats exam and I think I did great! Anyways, I'm just super happy because I had to re-take this class!!
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Turning 19 and the 19th.

My birthday is on July 19th and this year I'm super excited! I get to turn 19 ON THE 19th!!!
Am I the only dork that thinks this is super cool?
I thought I might come up with a list of some great reasons to turn 19! (There isn't that many...)

  • With 19, you have the significance of purchasing cigarettes (although, I didn't care since I don't smoke...I think its yucky! Plus lunge cancer is NOT cool!!!)
  • You can drink in Canada! (Which is cool because I grew up there and I can finally have a LEGAL drink with my friends and family)
  • Other than that...I CAN'T think of anything else! 

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Monday, July 16, 2012


Although moving to Utah has been a great part of my life, I miss my old life.
I miss living with my brother and sister.
I miss walking home from school on a super hot day and running through sprinklers with my friends.
I miss living next door to my best friend of 14 years.
I miss that feeling knowing where I belong.
I miss having to walk up two staircases to get to my room.
I miss my house and my backyard with the pound where I would put my feet in.
I miss the street I lived on and all the games I played there.
I miss that I don't live right next to my favorite kids.
I miss all the space that I got in the huge house.
I miss not being an only child.
I miss the smell of grass and the sound of the front door closing.
I miss Trouble, my cat that likes to talk to herself and drink water from the tub.
I miss all the family get togethers that my parents would put on.
I miss having to hide all my stuff under my bed for the cleaners.
and most importantly I miss my childhood.

Moving away when I was 15 was hard for me, at the time it felt like the end of the world. It felt like my childhood ended. In a way it did.

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

The BEST website ever!

Okay, so today while "writing" my research paper I found this super cool website!!! It's called 8track and basically what it does is you choose a type a music you want with words "ex summer, jazz ect" and it finds random music to fit that mood!!! It even has a 'study' can add 'finals" to it too!

anyways, I'm super in love with it!!!

one of my favorites I found is the "get happy" playlist

It's kind of summer-y

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"I think I have a HUGE problem!" "Why do I always do this to myself??? ""Really Dianne...really?" 'Okay! Lets get to work...or not"
These are thoughts that are always in my head while working on some kind of project. Why do I have these thoughts? Because I always leave things till the last minute! 10 page paper due tomorrow? Oh I don't have to start that till later...Oh it's 1AM? I better start that soon....Crap! I only have 5 more hours to finish! 
So I may or may not be procrastinating my research paper...

On another note, this wedsite helps with procrastination...not really!
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Things I've learned in Logan so far.

-What "BFE" means.
-Never leave your place without checking the weather. (20 and under feels like -10)
- Live on campus your first year
-You don't have to be BFFs with all your roommates.
-Don't bring your phone to partys.
-The Market Place is a blessing and a curse (You will one day miss it!)
-Go to the Day on the Quad and pick a club and join it
-Try and go to the dances (80's, paint dance)
-If you feel good about a test... you failed.
- Don't leave your FB open!!!
-Homecoming is super fun. 
- Sleep on the quad and play night games!!! 
-Leave your apple tv in your room. 
The quad side cafe is always yummy/can be cheap

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Live Like We're Dying

My question of the day is "If your plane fell out of the skies, who would you call with your last goodbye?"I really don't know. As silly as this sounds, I think one of the people I would want to call is James and his family. Don't get the wrong idea here, James is 6. 

I was there when his parents brought him home, when he got sick and when he got better. I swear the moment that kid was born I was always at their house and I left with puke all over me. I loved living next door to that kid. He was my rainbow on a cloudy day. He became my best friend. Whenever I go back to Canada I see him more than my friends (that are my age). It's hard to be away when he keeps growing up. One day he was 2 years old and the next he was 5. Crazy how time flys. 

I really need to stop listening to Kris Allen's " Live like we're dying" 

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