Friday, May 10, 2013

Current favorites

So...I've been loving some new things in the past week.

Banana Creamies I LOVE THEM
Like, I'd marry them.

Cold Kraft Mac & Cheese 
No clue why I love this so much, but it's just SOO much better cold, 
Give it a good 20 mintue sit AND then eat. LOVE IT.

Pretty sure I'm only obsessed because being in a new city gives you new people on Tinder. (Yes, Maddie! I know it's sooooo 3 months ago, but it's still fun for some of us!) Also I may have found a fun texting buddy, but more on that later ;)

Cruise "Remix" - Florida Georgia Line ft. Nelly

I'm IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG. I think I just really like how it's country vs's hiphop right? Or is it rap. Well whatever it is! I LOVE IT.

My new foral backpack. 
I'm mostly in love because it's new and its the shade of blue I'm in love with right now. 
OH and it fits my next favorite soooo nicely. ;)

I'm just excited to have this for camp! BUT it does have a greatttt blogger app! 

Yup, those were my favorite for this week!! Maybe I'll make this a weekly thing...or maybe ever other week because lets be real here, I wont really blog that much! 
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Moving home has been different. I love being close to my dog. I love being closer to my mother and father. But at the same time, I don't want this life. It sucks. I want the life I had where I was happy and didn't have to rethink anything. These four walls that hold me in are a blessing and a curse. 
Like today, I said something about how I had a pair of shorts but they were tight. 
Someones respond was "maybe you should lose some weight" 
My biggest fight sometimes is the fight against myself. 
I don't want to care about my weight.
 I want to care about being healthy.
 I want to care about eating right for my body.
 I want to care about myself and how I feel. 
Not about how I look in a pair of shorts. 
I couldn't care less about my body and how much is weights. 
It's MY body, it's the only one I have and I'm going to love it for what it CAN DO. 
Not for something it can't change over night. 
Media today makes trying to love yourself so hard, it's made my whole world messed up. 
It's made me think that I HAVE to be skinny to be a worthwhile person. When this is sooo far from the truth. You have to care about yourself. LOVE yourself and others will too. 
Ugh, okay. Rant over. 
Love yourself for what you can do
"Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built up against it." – Rumi

I'll totes post another happy blog too.

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Everybody wants love.

It's simple really. It's something everyone wants. Something everyone needs.
But in the real world, you can't just got out and say "I'm ready, where is someone to love, who will love me back?"
Look around you, I'm sure you already have love in your life. Everyone has some love in their life.
I have love for my family. Love for my friends. Love for my pets.  Love for my hobbies. Love for faults and my successes.
I guess the point to this post is remind myself and others that there is lots of love in the world.
It may not be the fairytale endding you thought about right before you fell asleep as a little girl. Or even the love you day dream about while you walk to work.
It could be the love that your ready. Love that you need right now.
Open yourself to the world around you, you'll find your love.

It's all 

Ingrid Michaelson fault. This song just makes me feel this. 

Okay, well now that I got that sap out of my head, back to studying!
Good luck and may love find you. <3

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